
Conception of the Website


10 rue de la vrillière, 75001 PARIS (France)

01 42 02 43 42


Legal Information – Privacy Policy.


1. Collection and use of data by ICOLD

The paragraph below shows the types of data that may be collected and used by ICOLD.


When using the ICOLD website, some of your personal data may be collected.
You will find below an overview of the types of personal data that may be collected and how they are used. When using the ICOLD website, you are not required to provide your personal information. However, if you choose not to provide your personal information, some parts of the site cannot be accessed, and we therefore cannot provide you with the full service.


In this document

Central Office: "Headquarters" of ICOLD.

The member account: Your account needed to log onto parts of ICOLD site and to make purchases.

The members of ICOLD: National Committees & their members / Technical Committees and their members. Membership of a National/Technical Committee is established either via the member account (managed by the members themselves) or through a contact person in the Central Office. Membership is checked by the ICOLD webmaster.



1.1 Information that you provide:

The term "personal data" includes any data that can identify you, directly or indirectly, such as your name, email address or IP address. ICOLD may collect the following personal information after obtaining your prior consent:

  •  The accurate and timely information from your account with your email address, country and/or region where you create an account on the ICOLD site. To sign in to your account, go to the site .
    • Look for the tab "My Account" at the top right of the home page.
    • Enter the email address and password you registered when creating your ICOLD account.
    • Check your personal data in the "My Account" tab. You can add personal information to modify your member profile.


Your name, contact/delivery/billing (including postal code) address, your contact information, e-mail address, when you buy a publication on our site. Note that ICOLD does not store your bank details. Transactions are conducted on the secure website of our banking partner. At no time does ICOLD have your payment information


1.2 How ICOLD uses information

It is possible that we may use the collected information:


  • To evaluate and improve our services.
  • To get feedback from our members and analyze the user's experience to develop and evaluate new services.
  • To enable the account registration process of ICOLD members so you can benefit from the products and services associated with your account membership.
  • To send and fulfill any request you make, including but not limited to information and documentation regarding your purchase, such as invoices or proofs of purchase.
  • To make and send content such as electronic documents or newsletters you   have subscribed to so you can remain informed of the latest news from ICOLD, as well as any promotions or upcoming events. You can stop your subscription at any time.
  • For any other reason, with your prior consent.



 2. Retention of information

The paragraph below shows how long your data may be retained by ICOLD.


We keep your information for the time necessary to achieve the objectives described in the Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or authorized by law, e.g. for customer relationship management (when you make a purchase on our site, for example), we may keep some of your personal information for a reasonable period; to comply with tax laws and other regulations in this area, we can also keep certain data; to follow the directives of the government or judicial bodies in this field especially in pursuance of an investigation or other litigation. If you wish to withdraw your consent for the collection of personal data by ICOLD, we will stop collecting your personal data. We only keep the data collected prior to your withdrawal of consent.



3. People with whom ICOLD may share your information

The paragraph below explains in what limited circumstances and for what purposes ICOLD is likely to share your personal information with third parties.


Your information will not be disclosed to any third party except in the following:


3.1 Your Consent

We will communicate or share your information with third parties only with your consent.



3.2 Member of the ICOLD: National Committees / Technical Committees

  • As a member of ICOLD, you agree that we may transfer your data to our various National Committees/Technical Committees. Only the National Committees / Technical Committees may use your data for purposes of information and communications related to the activities of ICOLD. This data transmission can be done only within a strict framework as defined by the Main Office and only in the context of ICOLD activity. ICOLD categorically refuses any transmission of information in a commercial or promotional framework.
  • National Committees/Technical Committees may, with the agreement of the Central Office, transmit your information to a third partner company, only as part of ICOLD activities (organizing an Annual Meeting or Congress)


3.3 External Suppliers

  • We will communicate and share your information with our service providers who provide services for us or on our behalf. For example, service providers help us send marketing communications, contribute to customer support, and send purchases. These service providers use your information only in accordance with our instructions and within the framework of these objectives. ICOLD ensures that all our service providers comply strictly with our Privacy Policy.



3.4 For legal purposes, protection and security

We will communicate or share our information with third parties for legal or security issues:


  • Insofar as such information is required by applicable laws, regulations, competent governmental or judicial authority to establish or maintain an action or defense, or to prevent fraud or illegal activity.
  • To protect the rights, property or safety of ICOLD, our service providers, our members or our customers, in accordance with legal requirements or authorization.



4. International transfers of your information

This paragraph concerns the international transfer of your information, which is only possible if it is in compliance with the privacy laws of the country or countries in question.


You acknowledge and accept the transfer, storage, use or treatment of your personal data by ICOLD and its National Committees/Technical Committees or service providers located in a country different from yours. All these transfers, storage and processing of your personal data are subject to the Privacy Policy and applicable laws on privacy protection and personal data security.



5. Cookies and associated technologies

The following paragraph mentions the use of cookies and similar technologies by ICOLD.


Cookies are small text files placed on your device to customize your user experience when using our site. The cookies do not retrieve information that identifies you: When you visit our website, it is likely to use one or more cookies and following associated technologies.

Almost all the data retrieved using cookies will be stored in your computer and will not be transmitted to the ICOLD. Only under certain conditions will these data be collected by cookies, and may be shared with ICOLD. For example, when you buy one of our products on the ICOLD site, we may use cookies to collect your IP address when you log into the site but also when placing your order,


5.1 Managing cookies

  • You can configure the cookie settings by going to the browser you have installed and accept, block or delete part or all cookies (e.g. third-party cookies).
  • In some countries, when you browse the ICOLD site for the first time, it may be that we display short introductions on how we use cookies (e.g. with a banner at the top of the page). You are free to accept or block the cookies mentioned above by clicking on the displayed banners.
  • If you disable cookies, you may be unable to use all the features of our website.



6. Third party links to our site

This paragraph states that when you visit the link or use the service provided by a third party, you should always refer to the privacy policies of the third party.


Our website may contain links to third-party sites. Please note that ICOLD is not responsible for the security or privacy conditions of these third-party sites. You should remember this when you leave our site and read the conditions of privacy protection of  these sites. This Privacy Policy applies only on ICOLD website.



7. Security

The paragraph below explains how ICOLD protects your personal information and provides suggestions on how you can protect your data.


We take every precaution to protect your personal information against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction. We accomplish this purpose through   internal audits of our databases, our storage solutions, our procedures and our security measures, as well as the physical security measures to prevent unauthorized access to systems that we use to store your personal information. When you submit personal information on our website, your information is protected both online and offline. However, ICOLD can not guarantee total security on the Internet. To protect your data from unauthorized access, we recommend:


7.1 Protect your ICOLD member account:

  • Use alphanumeric passwords when you register an ICOLD member account.
  • Use your username and password when you log in to your ICOLD member account. YOU are solely and entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of YOUR password and all activities that occur under YOUR account.
  • Regularly change your passwords.
  • Contact us immediately if you notice that your username/password has been changed. ICOLD may suspend or cancel the connection approval of your ICOLD account with the username/password change and delete personal information related to your account.


7.2 Keep your devices constantly updated using the most up-to-date computer security solutions and using such tools as anti-virus and anti-spyware scan (spyware). See your system administrator or the webmaster of in your company/your home network.


7.3 If you find any technical vulnerabilities affecting of the ICOLD site, do not hesitate to contact us at



8. Manage your information

This section details how to proceed if you have any request for the collection of personal information by ICOLD. Log into your account ICOLD. You also have the possibility to contact us by email at the following address:


8.1 ICOLD Account

  • Please provide us with your current personal information on your account ICOLD so we can offer you the related services available on our website.
  • You can view and change your information by logging into your ICOLD member account by editing the information on your account.


8.2 Manage your information

You can contact us by email at . Via this address, you can send any request for personal information from your ICOLD account, or data collected by the ICOLD and request access to your data, and modify, download, disable, remove, or oppose the use of any collected information (especially if you think that ICOLD is misusing the collected data). You can also ask to restrict the right of ICOLD to use your personal data in certain circumstances (e.g. if you do not want your data to be analyzed).


8.3 When using our website, we want to maintain the accuracy of your data and protect your data against accidental or malicious destruction. We will adapt to your requests according to your data. However, it is possible that we may not be able to answer all your queries in the following circumstances:

  • Depending on the authorization or requirements of applicable laws;
  • For legitimate business reasons;
  • In the event of repetitive requests that require disproportionate technical efforts and resources such as developing a new system or fundamentally changing existing practices;
  • If there is any potential risk to the privacy of other users.



9. Sensitive Personal Information


ICOLD will never ask you to provide personal so-called sensitive information, such as information about your health, your political ideas, religious beliefs, criminal record, sexual orientation, your sex life, your behavior or your genetic information. We request that you not provide such information. ICOLD, as an association under the French law 1901, agrees to apply no form of discrimination



10. Changing the privacy policy of ICOLD


We may periodically make changes to our privacy policy. We recommend that you periodically review the Privacy Policy posted on our website. By accessing or using our services after the update of the Privacy Policy, ICOLD will consider that you accept the terms of the Privacy Policy, updates included. The latest version of the Privacy Policy will always be available on this page. In the event of any significant change, a notification will be sent by email. You can check the date of the modification of the Privacy Policy at the bottom of the page.



11. Contact us


If you have any questions, queries, comments or complaints about this Privacy Policy, or if you think that ICOLD is not in compliance, please contact us. If you think we are not able to adequately address your requests concerning your personal data collected by ICOLD, please note that you have the right to register a complaint in this regard with the local authorities of your country.


International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)


6 quai Watier

78400 Chatou





Updated May 27 2024.