
World Register of Dams / Registre Mondial des Barrages

World Register of Dams / Registre Mondial des Barrages

Achat d'un accès de 3ans pour le Registre Mondial des Barrages (RMB).


Le RMB est la meilleure base de données répertoriant des barrages dans le monde et nous travaillons constamment à son amélioration

Ajouter au panier
Document de Synthèse

Document de Synthèse

Position Paper - Dam Safety and Earthquakes

Bulletin 162

Mécanique des Fluides Environnementaux


Bulletin 178

Exploitation des structures hydrauliques de barrages

Bulletin 180

Surveillance des Barrages - Leçons tirées d'études de cas

Congrès 27ème

Marseille Juin 2022

Registre des barrages

La meilleure base de données mondiale sur les barrages, établie à partir des inventaires nationaux envoyés par les pays membres à la CIGB. Le Registre est mis à jour continuellement et comporte actuellement plus de 55 000 Barrages.



ICOLD 2024

92ème Réunion Annuelle et Symposium Int'l

New Delhi, Inde

27 Sept. - 3 Octobre 2024


Voir le site web dédié

ANCOLD Conference 2024

ANCOLD Conference 2024: Never the same dam twice 

Adelaide, Australie

11 - 14 Novembre 2024


Voir le site web (en anglais)


HYDRO 2024 Secure technology for turbulent times

Messe Congress Graz (MCG), Autriche

18 au 20 Novembre 2024


Voir le site web dédié (en anglais seulement)


17e atelier international de référence de la CIGB sur l'analyse numérique des barrages

Sofia, Bulgarie

9 - 12 Avril 2025


Voir le site web dédié (en anglais)


28ème Congrès & 93ème Réunion Annuelle de la CIGB

Chengdu, Chine

15 Mai au 23 Mai 2025


Site web dédié


XXIe conférence internationale sur le contrôle technique des barrages

Cracovie, Pologne

09 - 12 Septembre 2025


Voir le site web (en anglais)

IAHR Webinar on Sustainable Water Engineering Bringing Together the Global Community - 21 March 2023

20 Mars 2023
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Engineering is one of the key elements of sustainable development. It underpins and impacts almost every aspect of our policy, financial, physical, social and environmental solutions. As the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are implemented, water infrastructures, technologies and innovations at all levels will be critical. It is estimated that over the period 2015-2030, most countries will need to allocate 1-2% of their GDP to water infrastructure.


In addressing today’s challenges, water engineering is truly blue-green, i.e. it addresses water problems in a holistic way and is a multidisciplinary endeavor, understanding and responding to environmental and societal needs, with deference for human rights, leverages critical grey infrastructure , sustains economic growth, includes nature-based solutions and makes the most of ecosystem services.


Blue-green water engineering is a significant component of the five SDG6 accelerators that are required to bring nations back on track by i) bringing innovation to reality, ii) generating and using information and data for positive water outcomes; iii) increasing capacity development; iv) mobilizing and utilizing financing for the most effective multi-purpose outcomes; and v) providing options and adhering to good governance.


The purpose of this virtual event is to mobilize relevant stakeholders and catalyze contributions to the Action Agenda by exploring ways to facilitate and expand the communication and collaboration between engineers and others working on water issues, but also those beyond the water sector, such as, the food, energy, human health and social services sectors, and also those who are actively working to defend and promote human rights and environmental justice. The side-event seeks to explore opportunities to synergize and utilize knowledge across agencies, foundations, industry, academia and NGOs - building on models that are demonstrating success. 


Recognizing that water connects sectors and people and issues, the proposed virtual event is intended to bring together a panel of high-level leaders and experts from different sectors, including engineering, to build an ongoing dialog on ways to bridge the gap across knowledge and governance silos in order to build a stronger approach to future decision making. 

Areas of special interest for discussion include dealing with water scarcity, flood risk management in view of climate change, coastal resilience addressing vulnerability to sea level rise and increasingly more intense cyclones/typhoons, and ecological restoration of sensitive areas, such as wetlands. 


This event, as a celebration of the World Water Day 2023, is organised also as a side event for the UN 2023 Water Conference.





Opening remarks (5 mins)

  • Joseph H.W. Lee | President, IAHR; President, Macau University of Science and Technology, China


Overall introduction (10 mins)


Invited talks (10 mins each)

  • David Wegner | National Academy of Sciences, Water Science Technology Board; Woolpert Engineering, USA

  • Jing Peng | Vice President, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, China

  • Conchita Marcuello | Directorate General of Water, Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Spain

  • Yuanyuan Li | President, International Water Resources Association (IWRA)

  • Aude Farnault | Water Policy Analyst, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

  • Michel de Vivo | Secretary General, International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)

  • Stefan Szylkarski | Executive Vice President for Water Resources, DHI Group, Denmark


Discussion (20 mins)


More information

  • How to participate: No application to be installed. Simply go to the LIVE Page to watch, comment and ask questions.

  • Registration: You don't need to register to attend the webinar but, by registering, you will keep updated and reminded. 

  • Certificate of participation: A link will be clickable on the LIVE page during the webinar (click here to know how). Anyone requesting a certificate, issued by IAHR, will need to be an IAHR member or have a free IAHR account.

  • Playback: Not able to watch live? Don't worry. The playback video will be available soon after the webinar.


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