World Register of Dams / Registre Mondial des Barrages
Achat d'un accès de 3ans pour le Registre Mondial des Barrages (RMB).
Le RMB est la meilleure base de données répertoriant des barrages dans le monde et nous travaillons constamment à son amélioration
Document de Synthèse
Position Paper - Dam Safety and EarthquakesBulletin 162
Mécanique des Fluides Environnementaux
Bulletin 178
Exploitation des structures hydrauliques de barragesBulletin 180
Surveillance des Barrages - Leçons tirées d'études de casCongrès 27ème
Marseille Juin 2022Registre des barrages
La meilleure base de données mondiale sur les barrages, établie à partir des inventaires nationaux envoyés par les pays membres à la CIGB. Le Registre est mis à jour continuellement et comporte actuellement plus de 55 000 Barrages.
17e atelier international de référence de la CIGB sur l'analyse numérique des barrages
Sofia, Bulgarie
9 - 12 Avril 2025
28ème Congrès & 93ème Réunion Annuelle de la CIGB
Chengdu, Chine
15 Mai au 23 Mai 2025
XXIe conférence internationale sur le contrôle technique des barrages
Cracovie, Pologne
09 - 12 Septembre 2025
Voir le site web (en anglais)
Africa 2023 - 10 - 12 July 2023
will take place at the Speke Resort Munyonyo Conference Centre,
Lake Victoria, Uganda
29 November - 1 December 2022
New dates : 10 - 12 July 2023
The objective of the regional conferences for AFRICA, co-hosted by Aqua~Media International and ICOLD, in collaboration with the governments of the host countries, is to bring together a group of experts from all parts of the world to focus on issues of specific interest for Africa, in the field of water storage and hydropower development.
Typically, participants include high-level representatives of ministries and utilities, private development groups, consulting practices, international and regional development banks, contractors, and equipment suppliers.
Themes begin with project identification and planning, progress through to financing, design, environmental protection, social aspects, and then construction, operation, maintenance and refurbishment.
Cross-border collaboration for transboundary schemes, challenging sites and climate resilience, as well as capacity building and training, are topics which always feature high on the agenda.
AFRICA 2022 will be the fourth conference and exhibition in this series. The first took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in 2013, under the auspices of the African Union, with a keynote address from the Commissioner for Energy and Industry. The second was held in Marrakech, Morocco in 2017, under the High Patronage of HE King Mohammed VI.
AFRICA 2019 moved south to Windhoek, Namibia, and had strong participation from NamPower, the Global Water Partnership - Southern Africa, and the Southern African Power Pool. The World Bank, African Development Bank, and the African Union, have all contributed much to the programmes.
Uganda is an enthusiastic local partner for AFRICA 2022. International delegates and accompanying persons will meet in beautiful surroundings, for three days of sessions, preceded by workshops and training seminars, and followed by tours to hydro schemes. There will be plenty of additional networking opportunities, and cultural excursions.
View the website here
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